Jude Thaddeus Glen Cove Marina is the second facility to starboard after entering sheltered Glen Cove Creek. The facility offers a full-service boat yard, including 340 slips and the interesting community of Glen Cove is only a short walk away. 
Jude Thaddeus Glen Cove Marina also offers other marina facilities & services including: Toilets, Showers, Docking Assistance, Concierge, Trash Pick-Up, Dock Carts, Mail & Package Hold, Phone Messages, Fax, Ice, and so much more. Boatyard facilities & services also include: Travelift (50T), Electrical Repairs, Electronics Repairs, Hull Repairs, Rigger, Bottom Cleaning, Brightwork, Refrigeration, Painting, Interior Cleaning, and Propeller Repairs.

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Joe & Jude Book

Read this inspiring account of Joseph Weiser (owner of Jude Thaddeus Glen Cove Marina), a man who has overcome many insurmountable challenges throughout his life. As you read this book, you can't help realizing the Divine intervention that surrounded Joe's life. An inexpensive and inspiring read that makes a great gift for yourself or a friend!

Just $15.95. All proceeds go to The Shrine of St Jude. To order please email us with quantity desired, your mailing address and payment instructions.

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  Joe & Jude information 
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