P.O. Box 52, Centereach, NY 11720, (631) 285-7777
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  1. Who do I contact if I have a question?
  2. When should I register my child?
  3. How do I register my child for soccer?
  4. How do I register online?
  5. What do I need for “Proof of age”?
  6. What division will my child be in?
  7. How much are the fees?
  8. What about a uniform?
  9. What else does my fees cover?
  10. Do I have insurance?
  11. I registered my child. When will I hear from my child’s coach?
  12. When is the soccer season?
  13. What is a seasonal year?
  14. How are teams formed?
  15. Who is considered a returning player?
  16. Will my child be placed back on the same team from fall to spring?
  17. I am signing up my child  can I request that his/her friend be placed on the same team?
  18. Can I request that my child be placed on a certain team?
  19. Can siblings of the same age group play on the same team?
  20. May I request a certain practice night?
  21. How can I be assured of getting the practice night I want?
  22. Are registration fees refundable?
  23. How many nights a week do you practice and how long are they?
  24. What equipment do we need?
  25. What does my child bring to practice?
  26. What size of ball does my child bring to practice?
  27. Can I wear a cast (or earrings, religious medals, eyeglasses)?
  28. Where are the games played
  29. Where do I park?>
  30. What if it is raining?
  31. How many games do you play and when?
  32. How much playing time does my child receive?
  33. I would like to become more involved. What can I do?

    Coach Related Questions
  34. I have signed up to be a head coach, how many assistants can I put down on my coaches form?
  35. When do we practice?
  36. I am a coach how do I go about canceling and rescheduling a game? 




1. Who do I contact if I have a question?
  If it is a registration related question contact the registrar. All other questions should be directed to the appropriate Division Coordinator for your child’s division.

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2. When should I register my child?
  Registration for Fall is in late May/early June, while Spring registration to fill roster openings is in mid-February. It is advisable to register as early as possible. In the event that we are unable to place all children on teams, we use the postmark date or on-line time (if on-line registration) as the method for determining what registration gets priority. Example: Seven kids register to play. There are only five openings. The first five children who registered will be awarded the spots while the others will be placed on a waiting list. Waiting list children will have their fees returned if MCCS is unable to place them on a team at some point prior to the beginning of the season. Please note that on-line fees are NOT refundable. Submitting an application does not guarantee a spot to play.

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3. How do I register my child for soccer?

There are three ways to register.

1 - Register online using our Online Registration System. This is the preferred and easiest method to register. All new players will have to submit a copy of their birth certificate.

2 - Print a copy of our registration form from our registration page and mail it to us along with your payment.

3 - There will be at least one in-person registration either at the soccer fields and/or another location. Please check website for dates and times.

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4. How do I register online?

Payment is by credit card only. Those needing to pay by cash or check may mail in the registration form along with a check or money order or come to one of the on-site registrations.

Click on the Online Registration button and follow the instructions

The process concludes with payment of registration fees by credit card. The ENTIRE process occurs on a secure server using the highest security currently available.

At the end of the process, a page will be displayed with information regarding your completed transaction. It is recommended that you print this page and bookmark the location. You will also receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided with a link to this page.

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5. What do I need for “Proof of age”?
  A copy of a Department of Vital Statistics birth certificate must also accompany all registration forms if the player has not previously played. Please do not send original birth certificate. This must be provided or the child will not be allowed to play. We expect copies of birth certificates when you come to register or just after you register a copy must be mailed to the address given during registration. We do not store birth certificate copies. Once they are verified, we destroy them.

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6. What division will my child be in?
  Go to About MCCS on our website to determine what age group your child will be in.

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7. How much are the fees?
  Visit our Registration Page for details of the current registration fees.

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8. What about a uniform?
  You are responsible to purchase your child’s uniform at an additional coast at Soccer World, the official outfitter of Middle Country Children’s Soccer. Your child will be outfitted with a home jersey, an away jersey, a pair of soccer shorts and one pair of sock. Your child will also need to have shin guards and soccer cleats.

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9. What else does my fees cover?
  A portion of your soccer fees goes toward field maintenance, insurance fees, awards, and referees fees.

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10. Do I have insurance?
  The insurance (which is through ENYYS) is secondary coverage that may cover the cost of your deductible. If your child is injured during a game or practice, contact your child’s Division Coordinator immediately.

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11. I registered my child. When will I hear from my child’s coach?
  We have a Coach’s Meeting approximately 2 weeks prior to strat of season. At this time, coaches receive their rosters. It is expected that coaches make contact with their teams within 7 days of this meeting.

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12. When is the soccer season?
  MCCS plays a fall season of September - November. The spring season is March-June.

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13. What is a seasonal year?
  A seasonal year is two playing periods that start in September with the fall season, ends in November with the close of the fall season, starts up again in March for the spring season and runs through June to end the spring season.

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14. How are teams formed?

Each fall teams are formed by age and skill. We do not entertain requests for coaches, practice nights, to be put on same team as friend, etc.

We do accept requests to carpool, but these requests CANNOT be guaranteed and are closely scrutinized.

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15. Who is considered a returning player?
  A player that played the previous fall season.

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16. Will my child be placed back on the same team from fall to spring?
  Your child will be playing on the same team in the spring as they did in the fall. New teams are formed in early August for the start of the next seasonal year. The only (rare) exception would be if we find we have too many registrants in the spring season, in which case we may deem it necessary to re-build existing teams from the fall season.

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17. I am signing up my child. Can I request that his/her friend be placed on the same team?
  We realize that to small children it is sometimes comforting to know you will have at least one person you know on the team. However, requests to be placed on the same team as a friend or classmate will not be honored. To do so can severely impact the balancing of the teams. We do accept requests to carpool, but these requests CANNOT be guaranteed and are closely scrutinized If you do request a carpool, make sure that the person you request a carpool requests to carpool with you.

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18. Can I request that my child be placed on a certain team?
  No, because we must build teams each fall based on age and skill level in order to equally balance teams. The only children placed on a team are that of the head coach. A coach can request 2 assistant coaches and his/her or child(ren) will be placed on the team also.  

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19. Can siblings of the same age group play on the same team?
  Siblings can play on the same team as long as they are in the same age group. If the siblings are a male and female, they can only be placed on the same team if theirs is a co-ed division.

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20. May I request a certain practice night?
  The volunteer coaches are the ones who get to pick the practice nights for their team, and this is done after the teams have been “built”. We do request that our coaches hold 2 practices per week in the Freshman through Junior levels to ensure that their team members are given every opportunity to attend one, if not both, of the practices.

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21. How can I be assured of getting the practice night I want?
  Only the coach can decide what practice night he/she prefers. This is done during the coach’s meeting. Parents may NOT request to change teams due to a conflict with practice nights.

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22. Are registration fees refundable?
  Once a child has been placed on a team and has played the first game, we are unable to refund registration fees. If you register on-line and are entitled to a refund, your on-line fee cannot be refunded.

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23. How many nights a week do you practice and how long are they?
  We request that our volunteer coaches hold 2 practices per week in the Freshman through Junior levels to ensure that their team members are given every opportunity to attend one, if not both, of the practices. The length of each practice is determined by the coach. Our Little Kicker and Big Kicker divisions hold mini-practice sessions prior to game time every week as well as their weekly practice session.

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24. What equipment do we need?
  Shin guards are mandatory for all practices and games. Cleated soccer shoes are HIGHLY recommended. MCCS supplies, through coaches, coupons for Modells’ prior to the start of every season. We also have a cleat exchange program. Contact Jocelyn for more info.

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25. What does my child bring to practice?
  A ball, cleats, shin guards and plenty of water.

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26. What size of ball does my child bring to practice?
  Little Kicker, Big Kicker and Freshman use a size #3, Sophomore and Junior use a size #4, and Seniors use size #5.

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27. Can I wear a cast (or earrings, religious medals, eyeglasses)?
  Only a soft cast may be worn and must be deemed safe by the referee. Absolutely NO JEWELRY of any kind may be worn during games or practices. No hard plastic or metal hair control devises may be worn during games or practices. Only shatterproof-lense glasses with non-metal frames may be worn during games or practices. These rules are in effect to protect your children! Please do not ask your child’s coach or the referee to bend the rules at the expense of your child’s safety!

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28. Where are games played?
  Intramural games are played at Eugene Auer Elementary School in Lake Grove. Visit our Directions page for directions.

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29. Where do I park?
  We have done everything in our power to spread game times out to alleviate as much of the parking traffic as possible. Please DO NOT park in the coach’s parking lot unless you are a coach WITH a parking pass. Violators will be stickered. Do not park in handicapped spots. Violators will be ticketed by local authorities. If you must park off school grounds, do not block neighbor’s driveways or park on their property. Again, local authorities will ticket offenders. Do your best to not block mailboxes of adjacent homes and please be good representatives of MCCS when traveling through the neighborhood.

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30. What if it is raining?

Soccer is played in the rain, cold, sleet and snow, but never during a thunderstorm.

If games are to be cancelled prior to their start, this decision will be made by a Board Member. If the entire day is to be rained out, this information will be placed on website by 7:30 AM on that game day. Division Coordinators will be contacted, who will then contact coaches. Coaches are responsible to call all their team members. Always make sure the coach has every number you can be reached at in case a practice or a game needs to be cancelled for any reason.

A referee is the only one that can call the game. If it starts to thunder during a game, the referee will stop the game for 15 minutes to see if it stops. If not, the referee has the right to call the game.

If it is raining and the referee deems the playing field dangerous, the referee has the right to call the game.

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31. How many games do you play and when?
  MCCS schedules 9 regular games per season.  These are played mostly on Saturday, with some Sunday games.  Freshman through Seniors have post-season games as well. Freshman have a Freshman Festival game  at each season’s end., with coaches selecting which of their team members play in this game. Sophomore and Junior divisions have play-off and Challenge Cup games at the end of each season. The Senior division has a Challenge Cup game, and also a scrimmage and Community Cup game against Newfield Soccer club post-season.  

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32. How much playing time does my child receive?
  Every child in recreational soccer gets 50% playing time per game. This time may not be/will not be all at once. However, if you are late to a game, that time could be deducted from your child’s playing time. Remember, you signed your child up to play soccer, a team sport. If your child is late to games, it is not fair to the others. If you feel at any time that your child is not receiving his/her share of playing time, contact the Coordinator for your child’s division to advise that there is a problem.

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33. I would like to become more involved. What can I do?
   Middle Country Children’s Soccer conducts Board meetings once per month. Visit out Upcoming Events page through our website for a list of meeting dates. This is a perfect chance to learn how your child’s league is run and to become involved in your child’s soccer league.

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34. I have signed up to be a head coach, how many assistants can I put down on my coaches form?
  You are allowed to list two people fan assistant coaches. These persons must also list themselves as your assistant coaches on their child’s registration form.All coaches and assistant coaches must go through Risk Management via our website so that a background check can be performed. All coaches and assistant coaches must pass the background check in order to coach a team. Anyone not passing a background check will NOT be permitted to coach or help coach a team.

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35. When do we practice?
  At the coach’s’ meeting the coaches will select their practice days and times. Please come to this meeting prepared with practice days and times in mind, along with alternates in the event your first choice is taken. In order to be permitted a practice slot, you must first sign up for a field opening (8 AM on game days) and a field closing (4:00 PM on game days). ALL coaches are responsible to help with an open and close. We usually have 4 coaches each morning and same amount for afternoon. You need not have your open on the same day you have your close.

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36. I am a coach how do I go about canceling and rescheduling a game?
  1. Contact Executive Board member to discuss need to reschedule.
  2. Call the coach of the opposing team and agree upon an amicable date to reschedule.
  3. Call the head referee to cancel ref for original date.
  4. Call field usage person to verify field availability for rescheduled game.
  5. Re-contact head ref to set up ref for rescheduled game date.
  6. Contact all parents with new game info.

 As you can see, this is not an easy process. We strongly discourage the rescheduling of games unless there is absolutely no other alternative.

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